crack whore

2865 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: crack whores like Eden, Golden Saint & Cloudtag as Polly Toynbee spikes Stockmarket

The worst newspaper in the world in the truth and analysis department is the Guardian and its worst columnist is the loathsome haridan Polly Toynbee. Silly Polly has today caused the stockmarket to surge as I explain. I then move onto FastJet (FJET), Teathers Financial (TEA), Tern (TERN) & Nigel's dynamite expose today and an array of AIM crack whores: Servision (SEV), Eden Research (EDEN) and Cloudtag (CTAG). Warning: this podcast contains some very bad language.


2866 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: crack whores like Eden, Golden Saint & Cloudtag as Polly Toynbee spikes Stockmarket

The worst newspaper in the world in the truth and analysis department is the Guardian and its worst columnist is the loathsome haridan Polly Toynbee. Silly Polly has today caused the stockmarket to surge as I explain. I then move onto FastJet (FJET), Teathers Financial (TEA), Tern (TERN) & Nigel's dynamite expose today and an array of AIM crack whores: Servision (SEV), Eden Research (EDEN) and Cloudtag (CTAG). Warning: this podcast contains some very bad language.
